Thursday 13 October 2011

The Infinite Cat dances with The Kingston Trio - Greenback dollar.

Mississippi moon beams dappled, smokey blue over the tin roof of a Juke Joint. Bacchanalia swamped postmodernism and dancers writhed like lunatic snakes in the music hall. Torches made of lime and sulphur swept through the moth-flickering night illuminating the young, frenzied faces.
As the evening began, muffled capitalist pin-stripped mobile phones buzzed in the hollows of Tartarus. Bourgeois 'enlightenment' screamed for a pedestal to lock-up their dreams on operating tables. They sort to transmogrify the participants into consumer and then spectator. By breaking their leg bones they could stop the dancing and charge for the malady's resolve. But tonight the lupine howls were on the side of ecstasy. Machine fetishes were drowned in the Wolf River with Jeff Buckley and secret histories let cool steel blades glint, coagulated with incarnadine blood. The salons of Paris were set on fire and Diderot's wig turned to smoke. 
The tune that had captured the delight of the new shamans was Kingston Trio's 'Greenback Dollar'

Wednesday 12 October 2011

More Infinite Cat's wish bone drawings - Odd Future 'Bitch Suck Dick'.

The life expectancy of a man in the United Kingdom is 77.2 years. This ranks as 20th in the list of world countries - Japan is in first position with 79. So as one of us, cursing across the tumultuous conveyor of Albion, reaches the age of 28, we have used up exactly 36% of our life-juice. The thoughts that begin clattering around the ageing encephalon focus on the future of human culture. Idiomatic expressions like "grow-up, you've got a lot to learn you little shit" and "back in my day" gush readily from the lips of these weathered mouths.

Odd Future represent a cultural and moral dilemma to these men. On the one hand they are a highly entertaining and comical young act, on the other, fearlessly amoral and irresponsible to boot - Cliff Richard they are not! Peace and love are replaced by "dick-sucking" and "bitch-slapping". Odd Future are the litmus result of disaffected youth and the menhir of decomposing decorum. Producer of note Steve Albini, called them "assholes making music about being assholes" and "self-satisfied asshole scrubs." If the world sources Odd Future as role models it will find itself morally retarded and spiritually defunct. The man that has used up his 36% is entitled to look upon this behaviour with distain, anger even. After the recent riots exposed the underbelly of uneducated, witless society, we may confidently predict a decline in cultural and moral values.

The bombshell has dropped. The future is set to be overcrowded by salting youth bullies that regard personal wealth and satisfaction as paramount. Adding to this, if the weather predictions and economic forecast are to be believed, the future looks austere and very odd indeed. Humility get your spoon ready, here comes the humble pie. To ease the transition into doltish dystopia here's 'Bitch Suck Dick'.