Tuesday 17 May 2011

"Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice. From what I've tasted of desire I hold with those who favor fire" - Robert Frost

"This is the way the world ends. Not with a bang but a whimper." - T.S. Elliot

1 comment:

  1. ’Winter’’ 45,999,998,014 bc

    Long ago in the hadal depths of time a shadowy, lifeless object less than half as massive as Earth lurched itself around the young Sun. It was one of many ambitious planet-sized bodies hoping for a successful stay in the arc of the light of the great star. But this proto-planet had an appointment with catastrophe. Its orbit was unsteady, hurtling visionless and dumb through space like a drunken boat. It was the aborted bastard child of the theatre of the Solar system. A story unwritten before it could wear the jewels of life. A player of decisive significance but one never to dance ignited into the vastness of time. Thea as the object is known snaked its peculiar route around the golden celestial star and fell in constant collision with debris as if caught in the dark spider web of midnight. Ultimately Thea was doomed. Roughly a hundred million years after the birth of our Sun Thea had come nose to nose with the grim reaper of its odyssey- Earth.
    At twenty one thousand miles an hour Thea smashed into Earth, the collision hit with the force of billions of mega ton missiles – An army equal in number to the universe’s stars but made up from tiger’s jaws that clamped in a nuclear unison. It was not a head on collision but rather a glancing blow. With such a violent impact Thea splintered into fragmentary pieces destroying its form and ultimately ending its existence. The Earth’s crust was stripped off and coughed out into the black of infinity to find its new reason and multiple orbits. The cores of both bodies had now melded into one. The new Earth was now a spinning mass of mainly super hot iron burning its way around the Sun. It had a new axis and a new speed at which it span. Some of the stripped material was heated so fantastically that it vaporised and bled into the vacuum of space. A cloud enveloped the whole of the new Earth. Sections of the discarded debris began to gather together through Earth's gravitational pull and in super hot fusion formed our younger sister and our remora for a billion years – The Moon.
